Name First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Driver Info Day(Required)GladstoneRockhamptonSunshine CoastHave you been employed as a bus driver before? Yes NoDo you hold a current QLD Drivers Authority?To operate public passenger services in each state, bus drivers must have a current driver authorisation or the ability to obtain. Yes, I hold a current driver authorisation No, I need to obtain or would like more informationPlease select which licences you currently hold: Car Licence MR Licence or HigherHow did you hear about this Info Day?(Required) Social Media Online Search (e.g. Google) Seek / Job Board Flyer / Poster / Letter Box Media News Radio Employee Newspaper Event / Expo Word of Mouth Website OtherPlease specify how you heard about our Info Day:(Required)Comments This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.