Yandina State School

Getting to Yandina State School

Route #AM/PMChange TypeJustificationSchools ImpactedDetailed Description
5816AMAMRemove RouteOperational efficiencyYandina State SchoolLimited patronage north of Coolum, Mt Coolum portion replaced by 5724AM & Yandina to Nambour schools portion replaced by 5833AM.
5816PMPMRemove RouteOperational efficiencyYandina State SchoolNambour schools to Yandina portion replaced by 5833PM & Mt Coolum portion replaced by 5724PM. Limited patronage north of Coolum.
5853AMAMModify RouteOperational efficiencyYandina State SchoolExtension to North Arm SS based on school/parent requests. Transfer with 5833 & 5838 at Yandina. Extends from Noosaville. Minor path changes north of Yandina. Extends to Pacific Paradise State School after Good Samaritan Catholic College.
5853PMPMModify RouteOperational efficiencyYandina State SchoolExtension to North Arm SS based on school/parent requests. Transfer with 5833 & 5838 at Yandina. Extends to Noosaville. Minor path changes north of Yandina. Commences at Pacific Paradise State School prior to Good Samaritan Catholic College.


T124 Noosaville - Doonan - Eumundi - North Arm - Yandina

Going Home from Yandina State School


T124 North Arm - Eumundi - Doonan - Noosaville